Sam Oosterhoff, MPP, Toronto, Queen's Park, Politics, Young Politician

TORONTO, Ont. (03/08/17) — Sam Oosterhoff, 19-year-old MPP of Niagara West, poses for a photo inside the Ontario Legislature on March 8, 2017. Oosterhoff survived another nomination challenge on March 7th, in the newly distributed riding of Niagara West, winning over the 46-year-old Tony Quirk by 903 votes to 313. Photo by Noah Park.


TRENTON, Ont. (10/02/16) — "You never get over it," says Kelly Miller, a 53 year-old resident of Trenton, while describing what it was like growing up in an abusive family environment. Miller explains that the effect it had on her life was that she kept ending up with an abusive partners herself. Miller stands in front of her home where she lived with her same-sex partner. Miller left her ex-partner when she found out about her affair. After splitting, the 53-year-old filed a lawsuit against her to win custody of her four grandchildren, who are not blood related to her. She was given custody of one. Photo by Noah Park.

Ben Maracle+Football+Team Canada+Canadian Football+Prodigy+Tyendinaga+young athlete+athlete+sports portrait+portrait
BELLEVILLE, Ont. (01/17/17) — Ben Maracle, a 16 year-old high school quarterback, is chosen to represent U-18 Team Canada in a game against its U.S. counterpart in the North American Championship in Orlando, Florida. "I'm excited to share my story when I get back home and wearing the Canadian flag on my jersey is a huge part of it. It just shows me how far I've come." Photo by Noah Park
Small business+entrepreneur+longevity+car wrecker+portrait+Belleville

BELLEVILLE, Ont. (01/10/17) — Butch Lucas is a 75 year-old owner of a local business, Hillcrest Auto Wreckers Ltd., which was started in 1948 by his father and kept alive ever since. “I don’t know. You just keep on working I guess,” Lucas answers when he was asked about the secret to the longevity of his business. Photo by Noah Park.

BELLEVILLE, Ont. (11/02/16) — Taso Chrispher, the mayor of Belleville, says he is hopeful for the future of Belleville with developments such as the building of a new casino and the city’s new hockey team, the Senators. Photo by Noah Park.

BELLEVILLE, Ont. (02/02/17) — Former Belleville mayor Robin Jeffrey, 85, holds a candle during a vigil in front of Belleville City Hall for those who are affected by the Quebec shooting, “I wanted to honour the people,” says Jeffrey. Photo by Noah Park.


MILTON, Ont. (05/05/16) — Jane Wilkinson, Associate Chief of Staff and gynecologist of Milton District Hospital, looks out at the ongoing construction to expand the hospital during the staff breakfast held in Milton District Hospital for Physician Appreciation Week. Photo by Noah Park. Special to Metroland Media Group.

Katherine Kerr+Wheelchair+Basketball+wheelchair basketball+adaptive sports+inclusive+sports+adaptive+portrait

BELLEVILLE, Ont. (12/09/16) — Katherine Kerr, a 28 year-old occupational therapist in Belleville, started an inclusive basketball program at the local YMCA, for people of all abilities to enjoy a game of basketball. Kerr worked with individuals with various abilities while studying in the U.S.. After graduating, she decided to bring the same kind of experience to her hometown in Southern Ontario. The ardent advocate frequently visits local schools, out of her busy schedule, to promote inclusiveness by introducing students to wheelchair basketball. Photo by Noah Park.


JERUSALEM, Israel. (04/11/17) — A Palestinian man on the stands on the side of the Jerusalem street with his horse. Photo by Noah Park.

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